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Birthday Offering

Birthday Offering of Presbyterian Women


This year the Birthday Offering of Presbyterian Women celebrates 100 years of generous giving.  Over the past century, grants funded by Presbyterian Women have impacted the ministries of more than 200 organizations and transformed the lives of countless people.  Today the Offering continues to provide a message of hope in the United States and around the world.  Presbyterian Women commit to improving the lives of women and children with gifts to mission projects.  Grant recipients for 2022 include money for renovating a home for people experiencing homelessness in Farmington, Maine and a grant to the Presbyterian Church in Lares, Puerto Rico to bring their kitchen facility up to code which serves an elderly community with food,  purified water and personal items. 
At New Hope we traditionally take the Birthday Offering in May.  We will collect this on May 22.  Look for envelopes at the rear of the sanctuary.  Rumor has it that celebration cupcakes will be served in the Narthex.  Thank you for your gifts.  Make checks payable to New Hope Presbyterian Church, with PW Birthday noted in the memo.